
About me:

I am a Research Economist at the Banque de France and Visiting Assistant Professor at the Paris School of Economics.

I am an Assistant Professor (currently on leave) at the Economics department of the University of Essex.

My research focuses on macroeconomics (particularly labour markets and unemployment), firm dynamics, and optimal fiscal policy.

I received my PhD from the London School of Economics, supervised by Wouter den Haan.


UK Labour Flows website update (June 2024): The website for our post-COVID labour market research for the UK has moved and been rebranded to Labour Flows: UK. New updates on the reallocation data Snapshot incoming soon!

Conditionally accepted paper (August 2023): “Capital and Labor Taxes with Costly State Contingency” is now conditionally accepted at the Review of Economic Dynamics.

Accepted paper (Jan 2023): The first paper from our COVID grant-funded project, “Search and Reallocation in the Covid-19 Pandemic: Evidence from the UK” is now forthcoming at Labour Economics.

Updated papers (Jan 2023): Major updates to the working papers for “Firm Cylicality and Financial Frictions” and “Dispersion over the Business Cycle: Passthrough, Productivity, and Demand” are now available on my research page.

Press coverage (October 2022): Our work on labour shortages and the rising inactivity of older workers in the UK was featured in The New Statesman.

Updated paper (September 2022): A major update of “Equilibrium Job Turnover and the Business Cycle” is now available on my research page.

News article (April 2022): “Over-50s are resigning en masse — new research explains who and why” was just published by The Conversation, link here!

News article (April 2022): “Job search and mismatch during the Covid-19 pandemic” was just published by VoxEU, link here!

News article (March 2022): “The truth about the “Great Resignation” – who changed jobs, where they went and why” was just published by The Conversation, link here!

New grant (2020-2022): “The impact of COVID -19 on unemployment and earnings inequality” with Carlos Carrillo-Tudela and Ludo Visschers, funded by the ESRC as part of the UK Research and Innovation’s rapid response to Covid-19.